Monday, October 10, 2016

Week 8 Growth Mindset

For me, one of the most pleasantly surprising things about this class is the way that it's made up of layers—just like stories. On the surface, it's a lesson on retelling myths; on a deeper level, it's a lesson in rewriting your life into any story you want it to be. 

I wasn't expecting that when I enrolled, but I think it's a really important aspect of the course's molten core, and I appreciate it.

In terms of Growth Mindset, I think just having been exposed to the concept has helped me improve in that area quite a bit. I learned about it at a really receptive point in my life, too, when I had just thinking about expanding my horizons and what I actually want my life to look like, so that's also been a big help.

There are still some areas on the list that I definitely need to work on, though, and a lot of them seem to stem from my perfectionist mindset—I'm ridiculously Type-A sometimes, and it tends to show. But instead of trying to stamp that out of myself, I'd rather find ways to use it to my advantage. I think that could work for me both in class and in life, though like with most things in life that matter, the jury's still out on that one.

Image Credit: Stephen King Quote by BK. Source: Flickr.

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